domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

Philippa Gregory - La Trampa Dorada

Saga Los Tudor
03. La Trampa Dorada (The Boleyn Inheritance)


Three Women Who Share One Fate: The Boleyn Inheritance

Anne of Cleves 
She runs from her tiny country, her hateful mother, and her abusive brother to a throne whose last three occupants are dead. King Henry VIII, her new husband, instantly dislikes her. Without friends, family, or even an understanding of the language being spoken around her, she must literally save her neck in a court ruled by a deadly game of politics and the terror of an unpredictable and vengeful king. Her Boleyn Inheritance: accusations and false witnesses.

Katherine Howard
She catches the king's eye within moments of arriving at court, setting in motion the dreadful machine of politics, intrigue, and treason that she does not understand. She only knows that she is beautiful, that men desire her, that she is young and in love -- but not with the diseased old man who made her queen, beds her night after night, and killed her cousin Anne. Her Boleyn Inheritance: the threat of the axe.

Jane Rochford
She is the Boleyn girl whose testimony sent her husband and sister-in-law to their deaths. She is the trusted friend of two threatened queens, the perfectly loyal spy for her uncle, the Duke of Norfolk, and a canny survivor in the murderous court of a most dangerous king. Throughout Europe, her name is a byword for malice, jealousy, and twisted lust. Her Boleyn Inheritance: a fortune and a title, in exchange for her soul.

The Boleyn Inheritance is a novel drawn tight as a lute string about a court ruled by the gallows and three women whose positions brought them wealth, admiration, and power as well as deceit, betrayal, and terror. Once again, Philippa Gregory has brought a vanished world to life - the whisper of a silk skirt on a stone stair, the yellow glow of candlelight illuminating a hastily written note, the murmurs of the crowd gathering on Tower Green below the newly built scaffold. In The Boleyn Inheritance Gregory is at her intelligent and page-turning best.


Philippa Gregory nos deleita con una historia de traiciones, ambición y venganza que tiene lugar durante el reinado de la cuarta y la quinta esposas de Enrique VIII.
Tres poderosas y ambiciosas mujeres se enfrentan para acercarse al trono: Juana Bolena, la cuñada de Ana Bolena que vio como su marido era ejecutado junto a su hermana; Anne de Cleves, una princesa protestante, escogida por el consejero del rey para convertirse en la cuarta esposa de Enrique VIII por intereses políticos, y Katherine Howard, una jovencísima prima de Ana Bolena, invitada a la corte para convertirse en la doncella de la nueva reina.

Philippa Gregory - La Otra Bolena

Saga Los Tudor
02. La Otra Bolena (The Other Boleyn Girl)


Two sisters competing for the greatest prize: The love of a king
When Mary Boleyn comes to court as an innocent girl of fourteen, she catches the eye of Henry VIII. Dazzled, Mary falls in love with both her golden prince and her growing role as unofficial queen. However, she soon realises just how much she is a pawn in her family's ambitious plots as the king's interest begins to wane and she is forced to step aside for her best friend and rival: her sister, Anne. Then Mary knows that she must defy her family and her king and take fate into her own hands.
A rich and compelling novel of love, sex, ambition, and intrigue, The Other Boleyn Girl introduces a woman of extraordinary determination and desire who lived at the heart of the most exciting and glamourous court in Europe and survived by following her heart.


María Bolena tiene apenas catorce años cuando inicia un romance adúltero con el rey Enrique VIII. Esta relación durará varios años y fruto de ella nacerán dos hijos. Sin embargo, las cosas cambian cuando su astuta y perversa hermana Ana pasa a ser confidente y consejera del rey. Poco a poco también logrará convertirse en su amante y tramará un plan para deshacerse de la reina Catalina de Aragón.
En esta fascinante novela ganadora del premio Parker, la novelista inglesa Philippa Gregory reconstruye un episodio poco a poco conocido de la vida Ana Bolena: la feroz rivalidad que hubo entre ella y su hermana por conquistar el corazón del rey Enrique VIII. Con gran rigor histórico, la autora nos transporta a los elegantes escenarios dieciochescos y nos sumerge en las pasiones de unos personajes perdidos entre sus sentimientos más íntimos y su ineludible papel social.

Philippa Gregory - La Princesa Leal

Saga Los Tudor
01. La Princesa Leal (The Constant Princess)


"I am Catalina, Princess of Spain, daughter of the two greatest monarchs the world has ever known...and I will be Queen of England."
Thus, bestselling author Philippa Gregory introduces one of her most unforgettable heroines: Katherine of Aragon. Known to history as the Queen who was pushed off her throne by Anne Boleyn, here is a Katherine the world has forgotten: the enchanting princess that all England loved. First married to Henry VIII's older brother, Arthur, Katherine's passion turns their arranged marriage into a love match; but when Arthur dies, the merciless English court and her ambitious parents -- the crusading King and Queen of Spain -- have to find a new role for the widow. Ultimately, it is Katherine herself who takes control of her own life by telling the most audacious lie in English history, leading her to the very pinnacle of power in England.
Set in the rich beauty of Moorish Spain and the glamour of the Tudor court, The Constant Princess presents a woman whose constancy helps her endure betrayal, poverty, and despair, until the inevitable moment when she steps into the role she has prepared for all her life: Henry VIII's Queen, Regent, and commander of the English army in their greatest victory against Scotland.


A los tres años de edad, Catalina de Aragón es prometida al príncipe Arthur, hijo y heredero de Henry VII de Inglaterra, y es educada para convertirse en princesa de Gales. Sin embargo, tiene que soportar duras pruebas. Finalmente, Catalina se va adaptando poco a poco a la primera corte de la dinastía Tudor y su vida como esposa de Arthur le resulta menos insoportable de lo que creía al principio. Cuando su esposo fallece, Catalina se ve obligada a construir un futuro propio. Su única salida es casarse con el hermano menor de Arthur, Harry. Henry y su madre se oponen a ese matrimonio y los poderosos padres de Catalina tampoco lo ven con buenos ojos... Pero la joven ha heredado de su madre, Isabel la Católica, su indomable espíritu de lucha.

Federico Moccia - Esta noche dime que me quieres

Esta Noche Dime que me Quieres (L'uomo che non voleva amare)


Poteva avere tutto. Non poteva avere lei.

Tancredi è l’uomo dei sogni: possiede un’isola alle Fiji, splendide ville in tutto il mondo, jet privati ed è di una bellezza magnetica. Tutte le donne prima o poi cedono al suo fascino. Ma lui non sa dimenticare una ferita del passato che l’ha cambiato per sempre e per questo odia la felicità, è un uomo che non vuole amare. Fino a quando incontra lei.
Sofia è in una chiesa e sta ascoltando un coro di bambini. Era una promessa mondiale del pianoforte, ed è diventata una semplice insegnante. Ha smesso di suonare per un voto d´amore. Basta uno sguardo perché Tancredi sia rapito da quella donna. E farla sua diventerà un’ossessione divorante. Anche Sofia è turbata da quello sconosciuto, lei, però, un amore ce l’ha già: è Andrea ed è per sempre. Ma una donna può rifiutare una passione che non conosce confini, quando irrompe nella sua vita e fa vacillare tutte le certezze? Tancredi capisce che forse c’è un modo per averla e così decide di non fermarsi davanti a nulla. Riuscirà a conquistare Sofia? La vedrà suonare di nuovo, solo per lui, seduta a un pianoforte davanti all’oceano?
E quale dolorosa scelta dovrà fare Sofia alla fine?
In questo nuovo romanzo Federico Moccia racconta l’incontro di due anime alla deriva, una travolgente storia d’amore e passione. Un romanzo denso e inaspettato che segna un nuovo passo per un autore amato da milioni di lettori in tutto il mondo.


Tancredi es uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo. Joven, apuesto y brillante, es incapaz de entregarse al amor por culpa de un terrible incidente ocurrido años atrás. Sofia era una joven promesa del piano, hasta que una estúpida discusión con su novio Andrea cambió su vida para siempre. Alegre y soñadora, decidió aparcar su carrera y sus sueños para cuidar de Andrea, en silla de ruedas tras aquella fatídica noche. Tancredi y Sofi a. Dos mundos diferentes, opuestos, como el día y la noche, se verán unidos, al fi n, por la lluvia y el destino. 
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