miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Marie Lu - Prodigy

Serie Lengend

02. Prodidy


Injured and on the run, it has been seven days since June and Day barely escaped Los Angeles and the Republic with their lives. Day is believed dead having lost his own brother to an execution squad who thought they were assassinating him. June is now the Republic's most wanted traitor. Desperate for help, they turn to the Patriots - a vigilante rebel group sworn to bring down the Republic. But can they trust them or have they unwittingly become pawns in the most terrifying of political games?


Tras escapar de las garras de la República, June y Day llegan a Vegas y se enteran de algo inimaginable: el Elector Primo acaba de morir, y su hijo Anden ocupará su puesto. Con la república al borde del caos, los dos se unen a un grupo rebelde de Patriotas que están dispuestos a rescatar al hermano pequeño de Day y facilitarles la huida a las Colonias. Los Patriotas solo les piden una cosa a cambio: que maten al nuevo Elector.

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