Serie El Club de los Mentirosos
03. El Espía (The Spy)
By day, he is a gentleman with a notorious fondness for games of seduction. By night, he is one of the most skilled saboteurs in the Liar's Club --- a secret group of renegades dedicated to serving the Crow. And while he is willing to risks his life for the good of England, he vows never to put his heart in harm's way ...
James Cunnington has a pressing mission at hand: He must find the daughter of a missing code breaker for the Liar's Club, a man suspected of turning traitor for Napoleon. Time is of the utmost concern. While it is evident that his ward's new tutor has something to hide, James is unaware that the woman he seeks now resides under his very roof ...
Desperate and near destitute, Phillipa Atwater must don gentlemen's clothing to pass herself off as a scholarly young tutor. Her clever --- if itchy --- disguise allows her time to pursue her quest to find her father, ruthlessly abducted by French spies. Closely guarding the cryptic notebook he entrusted to her care, she senses danger all around her --- even in the home of her roguishly handsome new employer, James Cunnington. Now Phillipa is about to discover that desire can be as lethal as a well-aimed bullet ...
By day, he is a gentleman with a notorious fondness for games of seduction. By night, he is one of the most skilled saboteurs in the Liar's Club --- a secret group of renegades dedicated to serving the Crow. And while he is willing to risks his life for the good of England, he vows never to put his heart in harm's way ...
James Cunnington has a pressing mission at hand: He must find the daughter of a missing code breaker for the Liar's Club, a man suspected of turning traitor for Napoleon. Time is of the utmost concern. While it is evident that his ward's new tutor has something to hide, James is unaware that the woman he seeks now resides under his very roof ...
Desperate and near destitute, Phillipa Atwater must don gentlemen's clothing to pass herself off as a scholarly young tutor. Her clever --- if itchy --- disguise allows her time to pursue her quest to find her father, ruthlessly abducted by French spies. Closely guarding the cryptic notebook he entrusted to her care, she senses danger all around her --- even in the home of her roguishly handsome new employer, James Cunnington. Now Phillipa is about to discover that desire can be as lethal as a well-aimed bullet ...
James Cunnington tiene una misión urgente entre manos: debe encontrar a
la hija de un especialista en descifrar códigos que ha desaparecido para
el Club de los Mentirosos, un hombre sospechoso de convertirse en
traidor al servicio de Napoleón. El tiempo es lo más preocupante. Aunque
es evidente que el tutor de su nueva pupila tiene algo que ocultar,
James no es consciente que la mujer que está buscando reside bajo su
propio techo...
Desesperada y privada de todo, Phillipa Atwater debe vestir ropa de hombre para hacerse pasar por un erudito y joven tutor. Ella es inteligente, aunque inquieta, y el disfraz le permite tomarse su tiempo para poder encontrar a su padre, secuestrado implacablemente por espías franceses. Guardando con mucho celo el cuaderno de criptogramas que él confió a su cuidado, siente el peligro a su alrededor... incluso en la casa de su guapo y pícaro nuevo jefe, James Cunnington. Ahora Phillipa está a punto de descubrir que el deseo puede ser tan letal como un arma bien apuntada...
Desesperada y privada de todo, Phillipa Atwater debe vestir ropa de hombre para hacerse pasar por un erudito y joven tutor. Ella es inteligente, aunque inquieta, y el disfraz le permite tomarse su tiempo para poder encontrar a su padre, secuestrado implacablemente por espías franceses. Guardando con mucho celo el cuaderno de criptogramas que él confió a su cuidado, siente el peligro a su alrededor... incluso en la casa de su guapo y pícaro nuevo jefe, James Cunnington. Ahora Phillipa está a punto de descubrir que el deseo puede ser tan letal como un arma bien apuntada...
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